How do we get there?
You can fly commercial airlines into the town of Kodiak. Book your flight directly into Kodiak City.
What does it cost to fly to you?
How do we get our groceries?
Float plane people will meet you at the airport and take you to the sporting goods store, grocery store, liquor store, etc.
Are there any stores nearby?
Unfortunately, there are no grocery stores nearby. You must plan ahead.
When is the best time?
All times are good. Certain activities have certain time frames.
Do we need to bring fishing gear?
No, unless you have a favorite rod you wish to use. We provide all fishing gear and bait.
Can we freeze our fish?
Yes. We have a blast freezer and commercial vacuum sealer.
How do we get our fish home?
We recommend you take it with you on the airplane. You can also Fedx it from the town of Kodiak.
Do we need to bring coolers?
Yes. If you are taking fish home with you. We recommend you pack a lot of your personal gear in a cooler with a duffel bag. When you leave, put your fish in to cooler and your gear in the duffel bag.
What are the fishing limits?
All bag limits are posted in ADF&G regulations. Find the link to ADF&G on our fishing page.
Do we need rubber boots?
It is best to have rubber boots depending on what activities you are doing. Boots may be crucial. Rubber boots are bulky so we do have several pair of boots that you may use. Please provide us with your size ahead of time.
Do we need waders?
Yes, if we are targeting creek fishing.
Do we need to bring drinking water?
No, but you do need to bring a water bottle.
Do we need to bring a camp stove?
No. Both our Bunkhouse and Cabin are fully furnished.
Do we need to bring cooking equipment?
No. Both our Bunkhouse and Cabin are fully furnished.
Do we need to bring sleeping bags?
No. We will provide you with a sleeping bag liner/sleeping bag, plus pillow and a clean pillow case.
Can we charge camera batteries?
Yes. Bring your charger.
Is there cell phone service?
Unfortunately there is no cell service.
Is there internet service?
No. Only for emergencies… It's time to unplug and enjoy your Alaskan wilderness vacation.
What about showers?
YES. Each bedroom has a shower.