Alaska Bear, Mountain Goat & Deer Hunts
Alaskan Wilderness Adventures

Bear, Mountain Goat & Deer Hunts

"Self-guided & Self-catered Hunting Trips"

Spirit of Alaska self-guided and self-catered hunts with lodging and transporter service in Uyak Bay on Kodiak's west side. Spirit of Alaska has been housing and transporting non-guided hunts on Kodiak Island since 1994. We believe in strong hunting morals and fair chase hunting. We provide a safe, quality opportunity for you to hunt Kodiak Island. Our deer and goat populations are in great shape—the best in years! We are big game transporters*, NOT big game guides.

We offer ALASKA RESIDENTS non-guided hunts for Mountain Goat, Kodiak Brown Bear and Sitka Black Tail Deer.

We offer NON-RESIDENT hunters non-guided hunts for Sitka Black Tail Deer. We are not big game guide service. If you are not an Alaskan resident and want to hunt Mountain Goat or Brown Bear you need a big game guide.

Our Camp
Our services include a fully-furnished and heated land-based camp. Our camp has a warm comfortable cabin with fully-furnished kitchen, well-lit indoor game processing area and drop-off and pick-up in the field each day. We have only one group at a time in camp—just you and your hunting partners.

Note: Do to Koniag Native Corporation closing there land to the public, we have lost a large portion of land that our operation needs to run two quality facilities. So to keep our quality at the highest of standards, we are being forced to close our Amook Island facility after 21 years of operation.

The Cannery
7 day in on Sunday, fly out on Sunday.
Cabin accommodates up to six hunters.
For more information on this camp visit our accommodations page.

Min. 4 Hunters - Max. 6 Hunters.........$1,550 per person
Plus round-trip float plane......$1,000 per person

A 50% Non-refundable deposit is required to reserve your hunting reservation

Discount for hunters 17 or younger with good grades.
NOTE: The above total does not include your airfare to Alaska.
View our hunting seasons/areas and FAQ below.
Please visit ADF&G for more hunting info and links.

Seasons & Areas
Alaska Resident Hunters:
Mountain Goat: Our area is #480 this is a 2 goat registration area.
Season runs from August 20th - March 31st.

Bear North Uyak Area:
Fall season DB 217. Spring season DB247.

Non-resident and Resident Deer Hunters:
Deer season opens August 1st, ends Dec 31st.

After you have read all of this hunting page, if you still have questions that this page does not cover please mail Steele with your question. Visit ADF&G web site “” for additional information on regulations and licensing. Thank you and good hunting.

* Big Game Transporter
A licensed transporter may provide transportation services with accommodations only at a permanent lodge, house, or cabin owned by the transporter or on a boat with permanent living quarters located on saltwater. A licensed transporter may not accompany or remain in the field with a big game hunter who is a client of the transporter except as necessary to preform the transportation services.

A licensed transporter may not provide vehicles, fuel, camping, hunting or big game processing equipment, or any hunting services such as skinning, camping, or cleaning game, glassing, and packing in the field, including from a permanent structure or on a boat on salt water.

Hunting FAQ
How do we get to you from the town of Kodiak?
By float plane.

Who do we fly with?
Sea Hawk Air = (SHA)

How do we get to the air taxi?
Sea Hawk air provides a shuttle service.

Is there shuttle service?
Yes you contact Sea Hawk with your arrival info.

What dose it cost to fly to you?

What kind of plane do we fly on?
DeHavlin Beaver

How much gear can I bring?
160 lb. ea. into camp, 250 lb. ea. out of camp.

Do we need 2 airplanes?
It depends on the number of people and weight.

Do you provide meals?
NO. Self-catered, you bring your own food.

What do we do about food?
Sea Hawk Air will take you to the grocery store.

Do you provide drop-off service?
Yes, each morning weather permitting.

How do we get our meat home?
Take it with you on the airplane.

What if we want to add another hunter?
Great, contact SHA to see if there is room on the plane.

I can’t come out until Monday?
You still pay for 7 days. Contact SHA to see what is available to fly out to us.

Do we need to bring a cook stove?
NO. Only if you are spiking out.

Do we need to bring pots and pans?
NO. Only if you are spiking out.

Do we need to bring paper towels and toilet paper?

Do we need to bring sleeping bags?
NO. Only if you are spiking out.

Do we need to bring game bags?

What about running water?
YES. Unless frozen.

What about showers?
YES. Each bedroom has a shower.

Hot water?
YES. The Cannery has hot water.

What do you use for heat?
Oil stove.

How many people can you accommodate?
The Cannery will sleep 6 people.

What if there is an emergency?
Call the Coast Guard on VHF radio ch16.

Do you have a telephone?

Do you have electricity?
YES. Hydro power.

Should we bring a satellite phone?
That is up to you.

Should we bring radios?
Yes if you have them. VHF or UHF.

What kind of radios do you use?
Both VHF or UHF.

Do we hunt out of camp?
The day you come in or on bad weather days.

What is your success rate?
It all depends on your ability and skill.

What permits do we put in for?
Check with ADF&G.

Where are the goats?
Up high. Wherever they want to be.

Are the goats hard to get to?
Yes. Uphill.

Is it easy hunting?
No such thing as easy when the word "hunting" is used.

What is the terrain like?
Alders and brush. Thick and very steep.

Is it thick brush?
Yes, Kodiak is a rain forest with jungle like vegetation.

Is it steep?
Kodiak has very steep and rugged terrain.

Are the deer on the beaches?
Only if they have been driven down by snow.

Can we hunt from the boat?
NO. Transporters aren’t allowed to be in the field with hunters. Point A to point B only.

Can we shoot from the boat?
Yes if it is drifting.

Can we buy permits from you?

Can we use your equipment?
NO. Transporters cannot provide equipment.

What about bears?
Spring & Fall hunt.. N Uyak,.. DB247,.. DB217.

Are there bears nearby?
Think like a Bear! They are everywhere.

Can we shoot fox?
Not around camp. Check ADF&G regulations.

Can we use proxies?
No proxy hunting.

Where do we process our meat?
In our meathouse.

How do we store our meat?
Hanging in designated areas.

Can we fish?
NO. You have signed up to hunt. I have to be with you to fish. As a Transporter I cannot be in the field with you.

Note: You drag your deer out of the field. No boning your deer in the field. Area needs to be kept clean, so you can hunt the next day. Bones & hides are a magnet for bears.


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